Thanksgiving Day is a very special occasion that stimulates people to be grateful for what they have been blessed with and motivates them to spend quality time with their friends and family members. This is the best time for a picnic, a barbeque, or a fantastic home-cooked meal. Unfortunately, most homeowners bend over backwards to be perfect hosts and often forget to keep an eye on their frying pans.
Officials from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) think that all Americans should be extra careful on Thanksgiving Day, especially if they plan to cook dinner at home. Recent studies indicate that the number of kitchen fire hazards hits new records around this holiday. Approximately 400 home fires started in the kitchen are reported on a daily basis, on a national scale. Every year on Thanksgiving Day, representatives from U.S. fire departments have to put out no less than 1,300 devastating cooking fires.
Representatives from CPSC, NFPA (the National Fire Protection Association) and USFA (the United States Fire Administration) joined efforts to organize an event designed to raise awareness, change mentalities and enable people to understand that even a cheap security system, correlated with other basic preventive measures, can save lives and prevent or limit damages.
The officials behind this initiative provided useful advice and monitored instructional fire demonstrations that highlighted the risks associated with unattended cooking.
Home fires trigger severe injuries and considerable financial losses, especially if the owner doesn’t benefit from the 24/7 protection ensured by a top security system with smoke/carbon monoxide sensors. In order to minimize safety risks and attain peace of mind, people should start by implementing simple, cost-efficient fire prevention strategies.
Over the past decade, 125 home fires generated by turkey fryers led to severe burns, lacerations, smoke inhalation and powerful explosions. Despite the fact that these unpleasant incidents are really easy to avoid, numerous people still don’t know how to protect themselves, their family members and their valuable belongings.
“As fire safety experts have said for years, ‘Stand by your pan!’. If you are frying, grilling or broiling food, stay in the kitchen. Not following this advice can be a recipe for disaster on Thanksgiving and throughout the year,”
explained Inez Tenenbaum, the CPSC Chairman.
The simplest home security system priced under $200 can guarantee effective fire protection and intrusion detection around the clock. Moreover, a top security system with killer home automation features is as reliable as a home sitter and turns your property into an entirely safe, welcoming environment even in your absence. Despite the fact that they have so many appealing options at hand, numerous homeowners are reluctant to design and implement their own fire prevention plan.
“Roughly three out of five home fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. Smoke alarms save lives. Having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a fire in half,”
concluded Jim Shannon, the President of NFPA.

Steven Ordona
Author & Pubic Relations– Steven is a fifteen year executive veteran of the home security industry and is now in charge of the site’s content. Steven is responsible for all the content created and also plays a critical role in our public relations department.