Security System Review News

Signs That You’re Not Home


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Burglars look for specific characteristics in a home when choosing where and how to break in. We wanted to cover some of the dead giveaways to a burglar in the hopes that you can avoid it and protect your home from future break ins. Any home with one of the top security systems will be better protected, but there are other preventative measures to think about as well.

Burglars look for a home hat is not occupied. They look for a home where the person that lives there is not home and is likely to not be home the rest of the day. The last thing a burglar wants is confrontation, especially when they’re trying to sneak in and out of your home undetected.

You need to keep your home undated appearances while you are on vacation. That means getting someone to collect your mail for you. It also means setting lights on timers. A home with no lights on and a large pile of mail is screaming “I’m not home!” Trash that hasn’t been taken back, un-watered plants and packages sitting out front are also important indicators that you’re not home.

A friend of your unoccupied home is a motion activated light around the home. These lights act as a phenomenal deterrent from suspicious passerbys. A less practical addition to your home might be a dog. Not even a guard dog, any doq will suffice. The top security systems and the dog both act as deterrents from burglars. The difference is, a top security system has a whole team who work for the security system compay to make sure that your home is protected 24 hours a day. They’re your backup when something goes wrong.

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