Security System Review News

Wireless Security Systems Becoming The Norm


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Gone are the days when leaving the back door open was pretty standard. We live in a day and age when home intrusion is more common than ever, and homeowners all over the country are stepping up to defend their homes and families. If you have been a victim of a burglary you know how uncomfortable it makes you feel to think that someone was in your home., For many, the first burglary is the last thanks to security system companies and wireless security systems.

FrontPoint Wireless Security System

Smarter Wireless Security Systems

Hard-wired home security systems have been the norm for many years; however, there is a new system on the block now. One that requires no wires and can be easily installed without the need of a technician. Sales trends indicate that more and more homeowners are choosing to protect their home and families with a wireless security system. The best home security systems are the ones that intruders cannot disable. Traditional systems that rely on land lines are being disarmed on a regular basis by intruders who have done their homework. With one snip, a hard-wried system is defenseless. A home security system is not much good if it can be easily severed from its help line. With today’s advanced technology, the wireless security system is the system that is smarter than the burglars who have defeated traditional security systems for years.

How Wireless Security Systems Work

A wireless security system operates on radio frequencies that are sent from motion sensors and window and door contacts to a central control until – often referred to as the Control Panel. These wireless signals are capable of traveling hundreds of feet and can easily penetrate both walls and ceilings that may be in their way. Wireless security systems are 100% safe from radiation or other “invisible” threats.

Remote Monitoring With Wireless Security Systems

Because they work using a cellular signal, the top security systems can be monitored remotely allowing users to link their home security system with their mobile devices or laptop computers. The system can easily be activated or deactivated with the touch of a button no matter where you are located.

Staying Safe During Power Outages

With a wireless security system, there is no worrying when the power goes out that your home will be unprotected. Because traditional systems are wired into the main source of power, if there is no power, there is no security. This is why so many homes are raided during major storms or widespread power outages. Intruders know that a landline system is inactive if there is not electricity. A wireless security system using internal power such as backup batteries will still work and as not as affected by power outages.

Easy Installation of Wireless Security Systems

Installing a wireless security system is a snap, even for those with two left thumbs. There is no need for a technician or an electrician as many wireless security systems are also do it yourself security systems, even when you wish to relocate sensors. No drilling, no wires and no additional installation fees to pay. Another great benefit of a wireless security system is that you can take it with you if you move.

If your dog is sleeping on the job and a wireless security system sounds like the right thing for your home and family reading our security system reviews is a great start to protecting your home and family.

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