by SecurityGuide
false alarm, Security System, Security System Company, Security Systems 2259 views

False alarms happen to everyone. They can be confusing and intimidating, but we recommend reading up on a few tips here in case it happens to you. Every security system is capable of a false alarm. Generally it is user error, but occasionally it can be a mechanical error. Call your security system company just to make sure.
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by SecurityGuide
Home Automation, Home Security System, Security System, Security System Companies, Security System Company 70433 views

When you see the word “free,” 2 things come to mind. The first is very positive. Something along the lines of, “Yes, I’m getting such a deal!” The other is negative and skeptical, “This is just too good to be true.”
So when buying a security system, does the word “free” actually mean free? The answer is probably no. A security system company often uses this as a gimmick in order to get you to seriously consider their home security system.
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by SecurityGuide
ADT, FrontPoint Security, Monitored Security Systems, Protect America, Security Companies, Vivint 3662 views

We are going to try and make this pretty simple for you. Monitored security systems are definitely a better choice for your home and there are a variety of reasons why. The monitoring station will attempt to contact you either by phone or through a two-way voice intercom on your Control Panel if there is a problem in your home. This form of “verified response” means that the monitoring station is trying to confirm the alarm with the homeowner before contacting they authorities. This is an easy way to cut down on false alarms and it means your home will be protected 24 hours a day.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security, DIY Security System Reviews, DIY security systems, Home Security System, Wireless Security System, Wireless Security Systems 2031 views

With the rise in popularity of DIY security systems, a few questions arise about which is the better route to go? A DIY security system or a Professional installation? It’s all about perspective here. In general, we believe that DIY security systems are the future of the industry, but there is certainly something to be said for a professional installation. That personal customer service is something that customers will always like. It’s just a matter of what you want and which works best into your schedule.
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by SecurityGuide
Home Security System, Security System, Security System Company, Wireless Security Systems 1973 views
Every home has a weakness, and when a burglar targets your home they are looking to exploit those weaknesses. They target a home for a specific reason, and if you can avoid those mistakes, you can protect your home from a potential threat. Security systems are the first step and act as a deterrent, but there’s a lot you can do in addition to protect your home.

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by SecurityGuide
ADT, Best Security Systems, Cellular Security System, Security System, Wireless Security System 1964 views

So your power goes out. There’s a big storm and the entire block is down, what do you do? What if a burglar cuts your power or phone lines. Is there anyway for you to be protected and contact the right people? The answer is not in a conventional security system. You need a cellular security system in order to be prepared for situations like this. A cellular security system which is also a wireless security system is your best option and here’s why: Cellular security systems do not use conventional phone lines or broadband to contact the security system company. You are able to contact in case of an emergency 24/7- despite the status of your electricity or phone. A wireless security system is charged by batteries, which last a very long time. You are not reliant on external batteries to keep the alarm system going.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System, Home Automation, Home Security System, Security System, Vivint 1981 views

We wanted to continue our discussion today with some more tips on how to best use your home security system. Many people purchase and install their system but don’t get to know everything it can actually do. Yesterday we covered arming, disarming and how to call or help on a disarmed system. Today we are going to cover how to set up a silent alarm and how to arm individual sensors in a home. Both tips have a use in the right situation, so take note.
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by SecurityGuide
Do It Yourself Security System, Home Security System, Security System, Security System Company 2048 views

People are installing security systems across the country. One of the biggest mistakes that new security system owners make is that they do not take the time to learn the the ins and outs of their security system. Really sit down and spend some time learning about the system that you just installed. There are dozens of different functions and sometimes you’ve just gotta read the instruction manual to get the details.
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by SecurityGuide
Cellular Security Systems, cellular technology, Security System, top security system, Top Security Systems 2056 views

Interactive monitoring is a newer feature that allows a customer to view their home and maintain a top security system when they are not at home. This can be done via smart phone, tablet or computer. Interactive monitoring goes hand in hand with cellular monitoring, although it is also offered via broadband as well. It allows for greater flexibility for home owners and can definitely spice up any boring old security system.
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by SecurityGuide
Home Security, security company, Security System, security system review, Security System Reviews 1971 views

Before you go making a large financial investment for a product you will likely use for years to come, you are going to want to read some reviews out there. The reviews should help you make a solid decision about which product you plan on investing in. The catch is, not all security system reviews are built the same.
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by SecurityGuide
Best Security System, Best Wireless Security System, DIY security systems, Do It Yourself Security Systems, Wireless Security System 2417 views

Not all wireless security systems are built the same. You need to know how to differentiate a good wireless security system from an average one. There are a number of high quality wireless security systems which you can choose from, but finding the right one is much harder to do.
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by SecurityGuide
Best Security System, Best Security System Companies, home securitys ystems, Security System, top security system 1920 views

We went over to one of the best security systems on the market (Protect America’s) website and snagged one of their graphics to help illustrate a few of the most basic statistics about home security systems. The front door is by far, the most common method for breaking into a home. 34% of home invasions are through the front door. The first floor window and back door are he 2nd and 3rd most common modes of entry for a burglar, at 23% and 22%, respectively.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System, Security System, Security System Company, Security Systems, Top Security Systems 12288 views

So I wanted to take some time today to go over some of my pet peeves when dealing with a security system. Not all security systems are built alike, and these pet peeves are not associated with the reviews we have here of the top security systems on the market. But I wanted to list off a few of the most annoying problems consumers (myself included) face when dealing with security systems. If you have these problems on a regular basis, if might be time to try something new.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System, Home Security System, Security System, Security System Companies 51989 views

There are a few steps that you need to take in order to properly prepare your home for the security system which you have just purchased. We want to go over those steps in order for you to have the smoothest set up process possible. There are a lot of great DIY security system opportunities out there now. We generally recommend these systems for your everyday home owner. Security systems are not hard to install and should only take you 30-60 minutes, depending on the size of your home.
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by SecurityGuide
Cellular Security Systems, Home Automation Systems, Home Security System, Security System, Wireless Security Systems 1909 views

We use cellular technology in our phones everyday. Right when cell phones were getting more popular, security system companies began to invest more into the cellular technology of their security systems. For a while cellular technology was less reliable than it’s phone line counterparts. Since it’s inception, the technology has been vastly improved and we strongly recommend purchasing a cellular security system over other kinds of security systems.
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by SecurityGuide
Home Automation Systems, Home Security System, Security System, Security System Monitoring, Security System Pricing 1946 views

One of the first things that people try to do before making a big purchase is figure out why the price is what it is. We definitely understand that there are savvy consumers out there, and we wanted to give you a few tips on why security systems are priced the way that they are. Hopefully it will help you make an informed decision as to what kind of security system that you want for your home, and maybe save you some money along the way
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by SecurityGuide
best diy security system, Best Wireless Security System, DIY Security System Installation, Security System, Wireless Security Companies, Wireless Security Systems 2176 views

We wanted to go over some frequently asked questions about wireless security systems. We get a lot of questions on this part of the market simply because a wireless security system is not what we traditionally think of as a high end security system. Hopefully below we can break some of the stereotypes and get you thinking that a wireless security system might be the best bet for you!
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by SecurityGuide
best diy security system, Best Security System, DIY Security System, Do It Yourself Security System, Security System, Wireless Security System 2005 views

The do it yourself security system can be a little intimidating at first, but we promise they’re really not that hard to complete! Not too long ago it was standard to have you security system installed by a professional. That’s not necessarily the case now. You don’t need to take time off of work to have a professional come and install your security system. It only takes 30 minutes to an hour to install yourself. We’re going to go over the steps to a do it yourself security system below.
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by SecurityGuide
apps, Best Security Systems, Cellular Security System Monitoring, Cellular Security Systems, Home Security Systems, Security System, Security System Company, Wireless Security System 16179 views

The best security systems out there are powered by cellular technology. This basically means that your alarm system is not connected to the company by a phone line. The benefits of having a cellular security system over a traditional phone-line system are numerous. It basically means that your security system will be up and running 24 hours a day. The phone lines can get cut and your power can go out, but the cell towers will keep feeding information to the company in case of emergency. But it also means you’ll have easier access to your home via a smart phone. No matter the brand of phone that you have, there is certainly an app out there for it that will allow you to manage you home from afar.
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by SecurityGuide
Best Security System, Best Security Systems, Do It Yourself Security Systems, Home Security System, Home Security System Equipment, Security System, wireless security, Wireless Security System 2033 views

This seems simple enough. We want to cover all the parts of the security system that you have just purchased. The best security systems on the market all have a similar makeup. There are basically 3 different parts that you need to look for when you open up your system. We’re going to go over them now so that you’re familiar with what is coming your way.
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by SecurityGuide
cellular technology, DIY Security System, Do It Yourself Security Systems, false alarm, Home Security System, Security Companies, Security System, Security Systems 2330 views

Home security systems have been around for a while now (well over 50 years). With every service that has aged, myths come about and are sometimes hard to escape. We wanted to discuss some of these that are giving home security systems a bad reputation. We obviously think that alarm systems are a fantastic investment in your home’s security. But unfortunately the myths that travel with getting a security system, can sometimes persuade you from making an uneducated decision. So right now we are going to discuss some of he most common myths that you will hear about a security system.
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by SecurityGuide
Cellular Security System, DIY Security, DIY security systems, Protect America, Protect America Review, protect america security systems, Security System, Wireless Security Systems 7966 views

We’re going to continue our security system spotlight and talk a little but about Protect America security systems. Protect America security systems is one of our favorite security systems on the market. Well, our experts gave it a 4.5 out of 5 on a very thorough review which you can view here. Butwhat merits such a high score? Protect America security systems offers some of the lowest up-front costs on the market. Some of their equipment packages are even free and all utilize GE technology. You are getting a quality product for a low price. In addition, Protect America security systems is both a wireless security system and a cellular security system. So what we’re saying is, you get the best of both worlds! There aren’t a lot of companies out there that offer all the options like Protect America does.
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by SecurityGuide
Best Security Companies, Best Security Systems, Do It Yourself Security Systems, Home Security Systems 2004 views

There is a lot of variety out there and sometimes figuring out the “best” can be confusing. We want you to be able to find the best security system for you. The first thing you need to do is identify your needs for a home security system. Once you’ve done that, you can whittle down your options for the best security systemon the market for you. Fact of the matter is, there are plenty of good home security systems. There is not one right answer to the question, “Which one is best?” You have to ask yourself these questions and from there you can choose what works best for you.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System Reviews, DIY security systems, Home Security System, Home Security System Reviews, Security System Reviews, Wireless Security System, Wireless Security System Reviews 1953 views

You’ve just sold your house and are preparing to move into a new home. One of the things that you invested in a while back was a home security system. Obviously you are going to want to bring this with you to your new home, but can you? The answer to this question depends on how old your home security system is or whether it is hard wired. If you had to have a professional come in and install your security system, then the chances are you will be forced into leaving it in your former home.
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by SecurityGuide
Best Security Systems, DIY security systems, Home Security Systems, Security System Reviews, Wireless Security Systems 2160 views

We have reviewed some of the best security systems out there! But there is a lot of information out there that you’ll need to digest before choosing. We wanted to cut down the features and give you some of the “non-negotiable” items when it comes to choosing the best security system for you.
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System, Do It Yourself Home Security System, Security System For Renters, Security System Reviews 2262 views

About 1/3rd of the United States’ rents homes and many more are choosing to rent instead of making the investment in a home. So what makes for the best security system if you fall into this category? Your home still needs a safeguard. The top security system for a renter is going to be a do it yourself home security system. Often times there are strict regulations about work you can have done to the home and security systems that need a professional installation generally require a slightly more invasive procedure than a do it yourself home security system.
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by SecurityGuide
Security System Companies, Security System Contracts, Security System Monitoring, Security System Pricings, Security System Reviews 2100 views

Security Systems News recently released a poll about long term security system contracts against month-to-month security system contracts. SSN asked readers to give their input about a “new” trend where a few smaller, local security companies are switching to month-to-month contracts. While month-to-month contracts are nothing new to the industry, it is generally unheard of with the major security system companies. Before we dive into what they found, we’ll explain the difference between security system contracts.
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by SecurityGuide
Cellular Security System, Home Security System, Security System Pricing, Security System Questions, Security System Reviews, Wireless Security System 2136 views

We are going to start a new series here on Security System Reviews in which we discuss good questions to ask when making an investment in a home security system. You can read every home security system review out there, but sometimes basic principles get missed and we want you to cover all your bases! We are going to cover a few questions today (and what various responses from these questions mean).
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by SecurityGuide
DIY Security System, Do It Yourself Security Systems, Home Security System, Security System Installation, Wireless Security System 2114 views
With the huge rise of do it yourself security systems more and more homeowners are looking to install a security system on their own. “Why in the world would they do that?”, you say? Well there are some very simple reasons behind it. Today we’ll take a look at a few reasons why people are installing a security system on their own.
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by SecurityGuide
ADT, ADT Review, ADT Security, Home Security System, Wireless Security Systems 32108 views
Today, we are going to spotlight a longstanding security system company, ADT. ADT is one of (if not THE) most recognizable security system companies out there today – and there is a reason for that. You don’t get to be this popular with a lousy security system and bad service. ADT knows what makes the best security system and they do it well. They’ve been in the security system industry for over 100 years, and in that time they have become a staple of it.
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